Adult Ministries

Adult ministries at our church are designed to make the big Sunday morning church experience feel a little smaller. We've crafted our environments to help you connect with others who are in the same season of life, forming close-knit communities to navigate the ups and downs of those seasons together. Through classes and small group programs, our main goal is to make adult ministries at our church a place where anyone in our congregation can grow closer to community while ultimately growing closer to Christ. By meeting together, sharing meals, walking through curriculum, studying the Word, and simply doing life with another, the adults in our congregation have a safe place where they can get connected with the resources, support, and friendships to help them live fuller lives in Christ.


    The most important ministry of any community of believers is that which provides the setting and opportunity for close friendships, and fellowship in caring for others. Our small groups, or "Grace Groups," do just that. Our groups meet in homes or comfortable church space, and encourage one another in following Christ. Formats are simple and there is childcare. These groups thrive as they care for one another during difficult times, such as sickness, a hospitalization, death of a loved one, etc.

  • SUNDAY SCHOOL   9:15-10:15am

    We find blessings in holding Sunday School, as many have this ministry in their background, and it is a unique preparation for worship. The blend of text exposition and group interaction provide a healthy example and process of applying the Word of God to life. We would love for you to participate with us! 


    January 5 – May 18 (No Sunday School April 20)

    One Combined Class in the Worship Center

    Knowing, Loving, and Praising God

    Greetings9:00 am

    (Worship Center doors open at 9:00)

    Lesson: 9:15 am

    Break: 10:00 am

    Main Service: 10:30 am

    College and Life Group-James: What Is Faith without Action?

    taught by Bruce and Michelle Cook, 

    *Annex-Room 4 (right side of Annex)


    Membership Matters

    (3-week sessions) taught by Dave Hobbs, 

    *Office 3

    Youth, (including Jr and Sr High) meet in the Dome 9:15-10:05am.  Bring friends, look forward to get to know one another better, and be nourished by the Word of God.
  • Prayer Meeting Wednesday nights, 6:30-7:30pm

    “Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer” (Psalm 61:1)

    We meet weekly in Room 30 to pray together for needs within our church, our community and around the world.  It is a time of worship as we praise God as well as  share our burdens.  All great movements of God have begun and been fueled by prayer. Grace Bible Church is committed to seeking God’s face for both the direction of our ministry and His will in our lives.

  • Young Adults

    We have a special ministry geared to the young adults ages 18-29. Meeting in room 4 in the annex (behind the main building) an atmosphere ripe for discussion and fellowship. We spend some time with a light breakfast, coffee/hot chocolate, spend some time hearing teaching from the Bible and discussing it in small groups at tables. This all happens during the Sunday school hour 9:15am - 10:15am.

  • This Christ-centered, Bible-based ministry whose theme is Mentoring Moms . . . Strengthening Families is for all moms; whether they are full-time stay-at-home mothers, mothers with a home business, or mothers who work outside the home or attend college.

    Moms4Moms meets at Grace Bible Church, located on Highway 30 in Dayton, on the first and third Tuesday of each month (Sept-April). The meetings are open to the community and are held from 9:15-11:30 a.m. Childcare is provided.

    Older moms come alongside younger moms and mentor them with encouragement and guidance as they share together the joys and struggles of being a wife and mother. Women will build lasting friendships and learn about helpful topics of interest to them as they seek to make a difference in the lives of their families.

    2024-25 Dates

    September 3, 17
    October 1, 15
    November 5, 19
    December 3
    January 7, 21
    February 4, 18
    March 4, 18
    April 1, 15

  • Women of Grace

    WOMEN'S LIFESHARE: Join us monthly for a gathering of women's LifeShare. One Saturday each month join together to hear a testimony from one of the ladies at Grace, enjoy fellowship, and a light breakfast. 

  • Men of Grace

    Each month the Men of Grace gather one Saturday morning for fellowship, donuts, coffee, and a time of sharing and testimony. Join us!

    More men's events coming soon!